Friday, November 4, 2011


"Put away from you a deceitful mouth. And put devious speech far from you." Proverbs 4:24

The truth need not be a victim of a lie. The casusalties only mount up when words stop meaning what they once meant. Liars are shameless posers who use the same vocabulary other people use, but they change the meaning of the words to fit their own purpose. They have learned to be influence people by using their own private dictionary. They change the meanings to fit the occasion.

For a liar to be a very effective, they must first lie to themselves. This kind of deceitful and devious behavior is nothing new. Proverbs warns about deceitful lips of salesmen, strange women, and self-delusion. Listening to a lie and buying into it always exacts a high price from the consumer. Putting away a deceitful mouth and devious speech starts in one's own heart. The greatest protection a believer can have is the guard placed on his own mouth. Speaking the truth to oneself helps a believer identify when someone else is lying to them.

Recently I returned to my college notes from an upper level religion course taken at Baylor University in the Fall of 1971. The course was entitled: "American Cults and Sects." There were several comparative religion textbooks used for the course and the syllabus was a detailed outline of the various religious groups that have sprung up in the United States in the 19th and 20th Century. Mormonism was a major emphasis of this course of study.

The professor, Dr. Wood, was well prepared, non-judgmental and throughly professional in his presentations. Dr. Wood offered wise counsel to us. He told us we did not thoroughly understand what someone believed until our description of what they believed was agreed upon by them. I have found this to be great advice over the past 40 years. I have also found it extremely difficult to achieve. There is often a theological slight of hand that takes place in the arena of ideas. When people keep moving the pea under the cup, it is hard to pin them down of the differences between the defining issues.

My notes reflected that the original followers of Joseph Smith flirted with the same qualities associated with less accepted cults. They also revealed similarities with groups known as "Sectarian Judaism." Neither of these two positions made them embraceable by mainstream Protestantism in the 19th Century. Simply put, they used the same vocabulary, but they had a different dictionary. This is what makes what they really believe so difficult to describe to a post-modern culture in the 21st Century. Secularism has become the unwitting friend of Mormonism by expunging Christian beliefs from the public square for almost 100 years. Today when Evangelical Christians try to express what they believe in contrast to Mormons they are labled as intolerant bigots by the professional and social media. Even more disturbing is the fact that they are criticized by those who claim to hold mainstream Protestant beliefs.

Recent remarks by two pastors, one from Dallas and one in Houston, on the differences between Mormons and Christianity have gone viral. One simply stated what was taught 40 years ago, without venom or angst, at the largest Baptist University in the world. He was vilified as the new poster boy of intolerance. The other embraced Mormons into the mainstream of Christianity. He was deified as the new and improved Rodney King. In other words, "Can't we just all get along."

Mormons believe some things that I cannot bring myself to believe. That is why I am not a follower of their teachings. I take no offense at what they believe. I take offense only when they want me to believe that we believe the same thing. I would like to suggest that what a person believes says alot about them.

For someone to say that they do not care what a person believes as long as they do what they want them to do makes some kind of sense. For instance, a person who is a fine Christian and a lousy mechanic is going to be a huge disappointment to someone needing their car repaired. The better mechanic may not know the Good Book, but if he is Mister Good Wrench, the consumer leaves satisfied with the job that was done. He may also leave overcharged for the work that was done, because the mechanic has no value system that would stop him from doing unnecessary work and charging double for it.

Deceitful lips and devious speech have been around for a long time. The best protection from deception the believer has is the Word of God. It is the source of truth, and the well spring of God's wisdom. Read His Word, and liars stand out like microbes under a magnifying glass. The first level of exposure is in our own hearts. When we lie to ourselves, we do the most damage to ourselves. When we read God's Word we find how far we have drifted from Him. My father wrote in the fly leaf of a Bible he gave to me on my 12th birthday, "Sin will keep you from this book or this book will keep you from sin." Great advice.

We have very little control over the problem of deceitful and devious speech coming at us from the lips of others. They say it. We hear it, and something once said cannot ever really be unsaid. The best way to recognize it for what it is still comes from reading God's Word. Martin Luther once said, "I can't stop the birds from flying over my head, but I don't have to let them build a nest in my hair." Great perspective.

I am praying for two pastors today, one in Dallas and one in Houston. For the first one, I am praying for courage. For the second one I am praying for clarity. Oswald Chambers observed, "Discernment is given for intercession, never faultfinding." I think it is time for me to pray for them. They need it, and I need the practice. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!

Dr. Gary Miller, Director


Thursday, November 3, 2011


"Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of your produce." Proverbs 3:9

Jesus lives to give. His life and death exhibit the character of God on the issue of giving. Paul reminded the Church at Ephesus of the last words Jesus spoke on the subject, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35

The glorification of the consumer culture often misses the point God has in mind when He blesses His children with more than they need to survive. He intends for His children to pour out on others in the same way He has poured out on them. It honors Him to see His children exhibit the character of Christ when He places in their hands the means to be a blessing to others.

God is not honored by His children hoarding what He has given them. He intends for His children to be known as generous, and life-giving relief to those who are passing through difficulty. Honoring the Lord with "your" wealth is a far cry from the demands of selfish people who expect to meet the needs of people they don't know with resources taken from someone else.

The tragedy of compassion in America began when the church of Jesus Christ abdicated to the government their God-given responsibility to care fo the needs of people. Tax exempt status for churches was established on the principle that the family of God was critical to providing the care and compassion needed by the less fortunate.

When churches of the Son of God become self-absorbed country clubs that ignore the cry of the less fortunate, it brings dishonor to the Father, and shame to the family name. For churches to mobilze marches and verbalize support for their pro-life position and yet have no passsion for funding adoption services or formula for single mother's is an appalling expression of hypocrisy.

God calls on His children to honor Him with their own wealth. This means giving from what they have in their hands, not what they hope to take from someone else. This also means includes setting a priority on giving to God first, and not leaving His Church the leftovers.

Honoring the Lord with your wealth takes place respect for Him is shown when dispensing discretionary income. We honor the Lord with our wealth when we ask for His wise counsel before we buy something stupid. Q: Is there any connection between consumer debt and being to proud to pray and ask for His advice before a purchase is made? A: HMMMMMMMMM! Can I get a big O yeah?!

A child enters into the world looking out for number one. A hungry child is only interested in having their own needs met. When they have fouled themselves, they scream for their own relief. The have no concern for the comfort of others. When faced with a competitor for a toy, they instinctively pull, pout and proclaim, "S'mine!"

The difference between a newborn child and a reborn child of God is the mature desire to bridge the gap between, "Mine!" and "Thine!" When seeking to honor the Lord with your wealth, prayer turns "Mine" into "Thine" every time. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!

Dr. Gary Miller, Director


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"For if you cry for discernment; lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures, then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowlege of God." Proverbs 2:3-4

Allyson, our youngest daughter, was born in Houston, Texas on the eve of Hurricane Alicia, August 16, 1983. In July, Dana and I had been called to pastor a church in Tempe, Arizona and we were waiting for our new baby to arrive before making the move. We have often thought that in all the confusion of both arrivals, the names of Alicia and Allyson may have been switched. From the moment they both hit our beach the impact was life-changing.

Allyson was to have been our son. We had already picked out the name Austin in anticipation of the big day. When that little girl came on the scene, all pink and cuddly, she won my heart. No regrets here.

However, we soon discovered Allyson was a world class crier. She was relentless. She only let up due to complete exhaustion. After a little nap, she was back at it again. We did not know what to do, and she was getting on our last nerve. When you get thrown out of a McDonald's Burger joint, you know something has got to change.

Dana was at her wit's end with this new baby. She took being a good mother seriously, and having a baby that she could not comfort was very disconcerting for her. With both of her newborns, Dana readily embraced God's way for feeding her little ones. I fully supported her in that choice. It just didn't make sense for me to get up for those 2:00 AM feedings. Since I couldn't do anything to help her, and I might get in the way, I stayed in bed and prayed for her. You get the picture.

Still, I was beginning to have second thoughts about this second child. If we didnt' get some answers soon, life for us and Allyson was not going to get any better. We made another trip to the pediatrician, and he discovered the solution. He said, "She's crying because she's hungry." Dana felt so guilty. She had done everything by the book, and had been faithful to feed Allyson every time she cried, but nothing she did ever satisfied her. The doctor asked a few questions and concluded that the trauma and drama of the move from Texas to Arizona may have impacted the level of nutrients the baby was getting from mother's milk. He suggested starting her on cereal to see if that would solve the problem. It sounded too good to be true, but...

It was a miracle! I remember the day when the spoon touched Allyson's lips. Her little eyes widened in surprise, and then her survival instincts took over. She swallowed the contents and immediately opened up for more. After devouring everything she was offered, she became content, and fell asleep...for hours! It was amazing. Her crying stopped. She was transformed. She became more loveable. Her cries had finally been satisfied. She received what she needed, and she was at rest. Her crying had been an indication of her hunger. She was not being difficult or rebellious. She was calling out for help. She was not ever going to stop crying until her need was satisfied. Her crying was a call for someone to meet her need. Sound familiar?

"If you cry for discernment...then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God."

Proverbs reminds us that the person who refuses to accept substitutes for what he really needs is going to have to cry out to God for wisdom. The word "cry" carries with it the idea of accosting a person met. Almost 700 times in the Old Testament, this Hebrew word is translated "call" or "cry." It communicates the passion of someone who willingly admits they are in need of knowledge and they hunger to be taught. Hungry people are not unreasonable. They are actually teachable. They know they will perish without consuming what they need. This is not a whimper, a whine or the faint cry of a victim. This cry is like that of a new born baby screaming for the nourishment that it needs for survival. This is not a point of preference, but an issue of survival.

Prayer is God's design to meet the needs of people who hunger after Him. From the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus was very clear,

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6

The way you come on is the way you go on. Hungry people keep seeking nourishment. No matter how good the meals were yesterday, they are insufficient for the nourishment that is needed today. Prayer is God's meal plan for hungry people. When they read His Word, and cry out to Him for discernment, He supplies what they need...knowledge. This knowledge is tempered, flavored and guided by the character of Christ...wisdom.

It is not enough to know the truth about God. We must spend time with Him. Those who hunger after His Presence will receive insight that satisfies the longing of their heart.

"Knowing God's will in specifics comes out of consistent companionship with God." Lloyd John Ogilvie.

Discerning the fear of the Lord leads a person to intercede for the needs of others. God feeds His children to empower them to lead others to Him. The family name is not honored when His kids become self-absorbed Bible brats or divine divas seeking out preferential treatment or pious perks from their Super Sweet Sugar Daddy. Prayer provides access to God and releases the character of Christ that turns a person's focus away from their own navel and towards a lost world. Being fed results in being led to pray more for others than you do for yourself. It certainly means a well-fed person should learn to discern the difference between sharing and caring. Gossip is fed by talk and leads you to share. Compassion is fed by prayer and leads you to care. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!

Dr. Gary Miller, Director


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


"Turn to my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit on you. I will make my words known to you." Proverbs 1:23

Ron Dunn was the man God used to point out to me the importance of being under authority. He poured great insight onto a statement made by a Roman soldier who crossed paths with Jesus. The Centurion desired for Jesus to heal his servant, but he saw no need for Jesus to make a trip to his home to accomplish the task at hand. When Jesus offered to go to his home and heal his servant, the Centurion humbly expressed that he was not worthy of the honor. He said to Jesus, "I also am a man under authority."He encouraged Jesus to just speak the word and the will of The One He represented would be done. His submission to Caesar's authority enabled him to recognize Jesus held a similar position. Jesus had influence and power because of the honor and respect he held for the One who had sent Him. Jesus remarked, "Truly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel...Go; it shall be done for you as you have believed." Matthew 8:5-13

Reproof carries the description of a verbal rebuke. It is a concerned call to turn back from a dangerous path. It involves chastening and correction meant for direction and protection. It is based upon a genuine love that a parent has for a child, or a teacher has for his disciple to avoid the disastrous consequences that will result from uncorrected behavior. The word spoken is swift and it is sharp. It is meant to cut through the din of deafening and deceiving voices that have led someone to make poor choices. The same word is is used to describe correction, argument, rebuke, correction, chasten and reasoning. None of these word indicate a concern for a person's feelings, self-esteem, ego, or a toleration for the platitudes of political correctness. They are meant to convey a crisis is at hand and that a correction must take place immediately.

Turning, in and of itself, is a learning experiencing. Learning to trust God's Word to speak to us at the first sign of enemy activity allows Him to provide us direction, correction and protection. God's Word provides His Wisdom. The character of Christ, unveiled by His Spirit, sheds light in the darknes. We sometimes wander into the dark due to our own inclination to sin. We are inlcined to separate ourselves from The One who loves us the most. When we trust to be true in the dark, what we knew to be true in the light, we take a huge step in the right direction.

Repent is not a word that will ever be popular word in a culture that honors self-absorbed and the self-destructive behavior. Waywardness is wilfuluness moving away from the sound of God's still small voice of reproof. The longer we walk in the wrong direction, the stronger the reproof must be. Gov. Mike Huckabee was once asked if he had every heard God speak to him in an audible voice. Huckabee responded, "No it was much louder than that!" Now that's what I'm talking about! Can I get a witness?

Jay Strack passes on a valuable piece of insight for anyone interested in correcting behavior. He often says, "Rules without relationship always lead to rebellion." In other words, it is unlikely that you are going to have much success in turning a person back to the right path if that person has no respect for you. If the person in need of correction senses that you place more value on your rules than you do on them, they are likely to reject both you and your rules. Being right and being rightly related to someone are not one and the same thing. Go figure!

I know this is anecdotal analysis, but I am pretty sure the first complete sentence a child learns to say is, "You're not the boss of me!" There is something in the human spirit that makes even the youngest fool resent the fool out of being called a fool. There is even greater resentment and resistance generated by having to admit to being a fool.

Wisdom is a sign of maturity. It is not found in taking pride or taking credit for being right. It comes from the humility of making course corrections that are a result of having to admit that we are often wrong. One of the great reliefs of a child of God is the coming of age revelation that Father knows best. Reproof from God the Father is sent to His children with the divine intent of providing direction, correction and protection to the ones He loves the most. The rules are based upon the relationship He provided for His children through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son. He sustains this relationship with those He loves by the outpouring of His Spirit upon those who will quickly turn to the reproof of still small voice and the truth of His Word.

Turning leads to learning more about the Father's love for you. Thank God for His love for you. He loves you exactly the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you the way He found you. TALK LESS! PRAY MORE!

Gary Miller